The Endocrine Glands’ and their Relationship to the Days and Colors of the Week
On SUNDAY, one can amplify the energy distribution, via the PITUITARY GLAND, to the whole glandular system with the YELLOW light. The Pituitary gland gives energy to the hypothalamus and the cerebellum. The pituitary has a direct connection to the yellow color.
On MONDAY, the THYMUS GLAND distributes energy to the whole glandular system. The quality of the PINK color is predominant on Monday. The Thymus gland governs and fives energy to the heart, which in turns strengthens and governs the blood circulation and the diaphragm.
On TUESDAY, the THYROID and PARATHYROIDS govern and give energy distribution to the whole glandular system. This effect can be amplified with the color BLUE. The Thyroid and Para-thyroids give energy to and govern the following organs; the tongue, salivary glands, bronchial tubes, lungs and the larynx (voice).
On WEDNESDAY, it’s the PINEAL GLAND which is responsible for the energy distribution to the whole glandular system. This can be amplified with the color GREEN. The Pineal Gland governs and gives energy to the following organs, the brain stem (medulla oblongata), the eyes and the ears. The Pineal gland has a direct relationship to the green color, which is concentrated sunlight.
On THURSDAY, the PANCREAS and the ADRENALS are responsible for the energy distribution to the whole glandular system. It can be amplified with the PURPLE and GOLD colors. The Pancreas and the Adrenals affect the Solar Plexus. The Islets of Langerhans (the “channels” in the pancreas) give energy to the esophagus, gall bladder.
On FRIDAY, the UTERUS and PROSTATE GLAND have a direct relationship to the WHITE color. In the white color are all the colors of the rainbow and their qualities. The Uterus and the Prostate Gland play an important role for the whole endocrine system, as well as the immune system. The sexual Organs, bladder and rectum all get their energy from the Uterus and the Prostate.
On SATURDAY, the TESTES and the OVARIES give energy to the whole glandular system. The energy can be amplified with the VIOLET color. The Testes and the Ovaries give energy and strength to the small intestines, colon, appendix and spleen.

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